The Joint Administrators will issue letters by post to all redundant UK employees with the details of how to make an online claim to the Redundancy Payments Service (RPS) as well as the information that will be reported to the RPS to allow it to process claims.
This will allow the UK employees of Bullitt Group Limited to have an opportunity to question any information that they think might be incorrect - such as their continuous service date or rate of pay. This may delay letters being issued but it will ease the RPS claims process.
We expect that the letter will be posted within a week but if nothing has been received after a week please contact us on to ensure that the correct address is held in the Company records. Employees of the UK should not submit any claim to the RPS until we have contacted them to provide them with more details on how to make a claim.
The legal processes to be followed for the Company's employees in Taiwan, Spain and Germany are complex and are being considered further. We will liaise with employee representatives (where relevant) and then the individuals to explain the next steps.
Once we have provided further details to make a claim, UK employees will need to go online to and enter their claim reference number provided within their their redundancy letter. Please wait to receive this information by post.
FAQ for UK employees who may be owed money by the Company
Bullitt Group Limited - in administration: Employee FAQs
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