What does it mean that the company has entered into administration? Is Folkestone Fixings Limited continuing to trade?
Entering into administration means that the company is being managed by the administrators. The administrators’ role is to assess the company's assets and liabilities and determine the best course of action to repay creditors. Unfortunately, this also means that the company will not continue to trade.
Will I still receive the products I ordered?
If you have placed an order and not yet received your products, it is unlikely that these will be fulfilled.
We recommend that all customers check their purchase protection arrangements associated with their debit / credit card (or similar payment method) to understand whether a refund is available via another source.
In the event that you are unable to secure any refund via your original method of payment, you will have the right to lodge an unsecured claim in the Administration estate of Folkestone Fixings Limited.
You may contact uk_ffx_creditors@pwc.com, providing your full name and corresponding address, and one of the team will arrange to send you the relevant information via letter in order to submit your claim.
What is your returns policy? Can I have a refund?
As a result of the Administration and as your issue is relating to a period prior to the Joint Administrators’ appointment on 20 September 2024, we are unfortunately unable to provide you with any refund.
We recommend that all customers check their purchase protection arrangements associated with their debit / credit card (or similar payment method) to understand whether a refund is available via another source.
In the event that you are unable to secure any refund via your original method of payment, you will have the right to lodge an unsecured claim in the Administration estate of Folkestone Fixings Limited.
You may contact uk_ffx_creditors@pwc.com, providing your full name and corresponding address, and one of the team will arrange to send you the relevant information via letter in order to submit your claim.
What happens to my warranty or service agreement?
Warranties and service agreements are typically voided when a company enters administration and ceases trading. You may need to seek alternative solutions or contact the manufacturer directly if your product is covered by a manufacturer's warranty.
Who can I contact if I have any other queries?
Please email uk_ffx_creditors@pwc.com with your query.
What happens to my personal data held by the company?
The administrators are responsible for ensuring that personal data is handled in accordance with data protection laws. Your personal data should be securely managed and disposed of appropriately.
Will I receive any communication from the company or administrator?
Customers will receive an initial letter from the administrators outlining the status of the Company as well as the next steps you should take.
Can I still use gift cards or store credit?
Gift cards and store credit will not be valid as the Company has ceased trading.
If you believe you have a valid claim, you can share this information with uk_ffx_creditors@pwc.com and your claim will be reviewed.
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