
The business continued to trade until 13 January 2020 and the Administrators will be performing a review of all purchase orders.

Services suppliers

If you provided services to the Companies before the administration, then please contact to discuss any requirements for ongoing supply. 

Stock suppliers

If you have received purchase orders from the Companies that relate to stock that is currently in production or at the port of origin, please do not ship this stock without prior approval of the Administrator.

Please contact the Administration team at if you have any queries surrounding this.

All outstanding amounts at the date of the joint administrators’ appointment will be an unsecured claim in the administration. Please see guidance on how to submit a claim in the attached statement of claim form.  

Supplier FAQs

What has happened?

  • Zelf Hussain, David Baxendale and Mark Banfield of PwC have been appointed as joint administrators of Mothercare UK Ltd (“Mothercare UK”) and Mothercare Business Services Limited (“the companies”) on 5 November 2019.
  • Despite the restructuring that followed the CVA, trading has remained challenging with difficult market conditions, reduced consumer spending and a fundamental change in high street retail. The business has been marketed for sale but no offers were received that would preserve the business as a going concern. As a result, the Directors have taken the very difficult position to put the UK business into administration.
  • The Administrators have engaged Gordon Brothers as Agent to continue to trade the 79 UK stores for a period of time. Trading has now ceased with effect from 13 January 2020.
  • International franchise partners are continuing to trade, serviced by Mothercare Global Brands Ltd which is not in administration.


When will I get paid?

  • Payment for goods and services provided prior to the date of appointment will not be paid for.
  • However, you can submit a claim with the Administrators for the amount you were owed prior to their appointment. If there are funds available, you may receive a dividend payment in due course, although at this time we cannot estimate what this will be. Details of how to file a claim will be sent to all suppliers in the coming days. 
  • You will be paid on normal terms for any goods and services provided to the companies with a signed purchase order after the date of the Administrators’ appointment.

I have goods on site can I get them back?

  • If you believe you have a Retention of Title claim over goods that you have supplied to the companies please contact the Administration team at who will deal with your enquiry.

Am I required to continue providing service or supplies?

  • The Administrators may request that you continue to supply goods and services to the companies during the administration. The Administrators [or their appointed agents] will speak to you about this directly.

How do I continue to supply the company in administration?

  • Gordon Brothers Limited have been appointed as agents to assist the administrators in the trading of the Mothercare UK business.
  • Only services and supplies ordered by the Administrators or their authorised representatives will be paid for.
  • All purchases will be ordered using a new sequence of purchase order form. This will be signed by one of the authorised signatories whose names and signatures are shown on the suppliers letter, a copy of which will be made available to you.
  • Only goods and services supplied to the company in administration accompanied by a signed purchase order form will be paid for. It is the responsibility of the supplier to ensure compliance with this procedure.
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