We will be writing to all known suppliers and creditors shortly, to formally notify them of our appointment.
Payment for goods and services provided prior to the date of our appointment will not be made. However, you can submit a claim in the administration estate for the amount you were owed, on the date of our appointment 19 October 2021.
In our letter we will explain the process for you to submit your claim in the administration estate, which will be via an online portal. If there are funds available, you may receive a dividend payment in due course however at this stage we cannot estimate whether a dividend will be paid and if so, its level.
The administrators may request that you continue to supply goods and services to the Companies during the Administration. If they require your services, a member of their team will contact you.
Only supplies and services ordered by the administrators or their authorised representatives will be paid for. All purchases will be ordered using a new sequence of purchase order forms. This will be signed by one of the authorised signatories whose name and signatures are shown on the suppliers letter, a copy of which will be made available to you.
Only goods and services supplied to the Companies in Administration accompanied by a signed purchase order form will be paid for. It is the responsibility of the supplier to ensure compliance with this procedure.
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