The Joint Administrators will issue letters by post to all redundant employees with the details of how to make an online claim to the Redundancy Payments Service (RPS) as well as the information that will be reported to the RPS to allow the RPS to process claims.
This will allow the employees of Reaction Engines Limited to have an opportunity to question any information that they think might be incorrect, such as their continuous service date or rate of pay.
We expect that the letters will be posted within 7 working days but should an employee not have received their letter after this timeframe, please contact us at so we can ensure that the correct address is held in the Company records, and we will ensure a copy is sent out to you.
Employees should not submit their claim to the RPS until they receive their redundancy letter, which provides all the details / information required as to how to make their claim.
Please find attached an FAQ fact sheet linked below for further information
If you are an employee that has been affected by redundancy and have queries not answered by the information provided to you, please email
Redundant Employees: FAQs
Retained Employees: FAQs
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