Suppliers FAQs
When will I get paid?
Goods and services provided prior to the date of appointment will not be paid for.
However, you can submit a claim to the Joint Administrators for the amount you were owed prior to their appointment. If there are funds available, you may receive a dividend payment in due course, although at this time we cannot estimate what this will be. Details of how to file a claim will be sent to all creditors in the coming days.
You will be paid on normal terms for any goods and services provided to the Company after the appointment of Joint Administrators, against a purchaser order signed by a member of the Joint Administrators’ team.
I have goods on site, can I get them back?
If you believe you have a Retention of Title claim over goods that you have supplied to the Company please contact the Administration team at who will deal with your enquiry.
If you believe you have a claim over leased assets that you have supplied to the Company please contact the Administration team at who will deal with your enquiry.
Am I required to continue providing service or supplies?
The Joint Administrators may request that you continue to supply goods and services to the Companies during the administration to help facilitate the realisation of assets.
Goods and services ordered by the Joint Administrators or their authorised representatives will be paid for by the administration estate.
All purchases will be ordered using a new sequence of purchase order forms. This will be signed by one of the authorised signatories whose names and signatures are shown on the suppliers letter, a copy of which will be made available to you.
What further information on the Administration will I receive?
The Joint Administrators will publish a report via the case website to all known creditors and members of the Companies within eight weeks of the appointments. This report is known as the Joint Administrators’ proposals and will outline steps taken by the Administrators to date and the strategy going forwards.
The Joint Administrators are also required to provide a written update on the administrations to all known creditors every six months. This report will be published to the case website within one month of every six month anniversary or earlier if an Administrator vacates office or an extension to the administration is granted.
If you have any further questions or issues please email us on:
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