AMLA: Transforming AML/CFT supervision

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In 2021, the EU Commission presented a comprehensive legislative package to strengthen its Anti-Money Laundering / Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) regime.

Amongst its provisions to create a single EU-wide rulebook and plans to enact the sixth Money Laundering Directive (6MLD), its most significant offering was the establishment of a new Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA).

AMLA: Altering the landscape in combating money laundering

AMLA will transform AML/CFT supervision in the EU. In addition to adopting regulatory standards and implementing technical standards via a single EU rulebook, guidelines and recommendations to complete and clarify EU rules, facilitating cross-sectoral training programmes and establishing a central database of information collected from supervisors and other authorities, the Authority will have following powers and responsibilities:

Direct Supervision

It will have direct supervision over up to 40 entities that pose the highest risk of money laundering or terrorist financing, carried out by joint supervisory teams which will be led by AMLA in conjunction with national AML supervisors and will ensure their compliance with requirements, including those related to targeted financial sanctions, asset freezes and confiscations.

How we can help

We can help you prepare for upcoming operational changes through the roll out of the EU AML package and the operation of AMLA. We have established an AMLA working group to support you on operationalising the new regulations and associated changes required as a result of the establishment of AMLA. Use the "Contact us" section below to register your interest.

Assessing risk exposure

You should assess your risk exposure to money laundering and terrorist financing, as well as to non-implementation and evasion of targeted financial sanctions, and take appropriate measures to mitigate those risks.

Contact us

Mark Loring

Mark Loring

UK Financial Crime Lead, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7733 535054

Zeynep Turunc

Zeynep Turunc

Partner, Financial Crime, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7483 335213

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