Delivering a transformation programme

Business challenge

PwC was appointed to support the 3 year transformation programme to enable a diverse future workforce with the right skills, size, shape and cost to deliver it’s 10 year £164 billion procurement plan. The key focus was to develop and implement a new people strategy covering all aspects of the employee journey from recruitment to pay & reward, learning and talent and to support the organisation to develop and implement a programme of change that would transition their people to new ways of working and a new functional matrix.

Our approach

As part of the baselining for the transformation journey we applied the PwC strategic workforce planning (SWP) Diagnostic. We realised that the client had virtual obscurity around workforce demand and supply numbers with several different spreadsheets and tools used in isolation across different teams and large volumes of inconsistent workforce data from different data sources. There was also an absence of a consolidated and agreed demand data.


Based on the conclusions of the SWP Diagnostic we successfully developed and implemented the following solution:

  • Organisation-wide SWP principles that all stakeholders used as a ‘touchstone’
  • A bespoke SWP modelling solution using Qlikview visualisation that enabled the consolidation and standardisation of the disparate data sources
  • A structured assessment of the data landscape and a remediation plan to address data availability, quality and granularity
  • An organisation end to end SWP process
  • An SWP decision making framework to enable robust & evidence based decisions on restructuring, development, recruitment, secondment and talent
  • Production of SWP reports and plans that set out a five year demand signal, a projection of workforce supply over the same period and analysis & validation of the gaps on an annual basis.  Various scenarios to close gaps where modelling & validated, with plans for the optimum option developed

Contact us

Carol Stubbings

Carol Stubbings

Global Chief Commercial Officer, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 7739 874275

Juliet Stuttard

Juliet Stuttard

Director, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7711 898452

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