Understand your Total Shareholder Return (TSR) and track your relative performance

What is Smart TSR?

Companies who have a relative Total Shareholder Return (TSR) performance condition in their Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) are faced with the evolving challenge of measuring their performance. In addition, the challenge of comparing the relative performance to a comparator group or peer index exists.

That's where Smart TSR can help.

Smart TSR assists you in tracking the performance over the life of the LTIP and what this might mean for potential vesting outcomes.

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The benefits of our Smart TSR platform include

Instant calculations

The software doesn't depend on manual calculations in order to review performance. The program automatically updates on a daily basis to incorporate all the information up to and including the end of the previous working day.

At a glance

All you need to do as a user is log into the portal and the dashboard provides a table and graph summarising performance against the comparator groups. You can also view more detailed line-by-line performance on the dashboard.

All in one place

The solution provides one singular overview of all your LTIP cycles and summaries. In one place. This means that you can quickly understand the current performance of all the outstanding awards within a few moments.

Reporting made simple

The reports are in a standard format, but PwC can add bespoke text within the report to explain plan features or describe the results in more detail.

Final vesting assurance

We provide a separate final sign-off report at the end of each LTIP performance period - giving you peace of mind and confidence in the numbers. This report is calculated using independent calculations outside of the Smart TSR portal.

Contact us

Andrew Page

Partner and UK executive compensation leader, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7483 362344

Tom Curtis

Senior Manager, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7714 567097

Callum Crosby

Manager, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7483 434766

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