Managed Legal Services

Our managed legal services offering brings together the expertise of a law firm with best in class technology and process excellence, providing you with an optimised service. We act as a seamless extension of your in-house team and can work either directly with your business stakeholders or sit behind your legal team, helping get your contracts and business as usual work done as efficiently as possible and freeing you up to work on more strategic matters.

Some of the key components our offering includes:


We bring a team of qualified lawyers and paralegals that can quickly scale up and down to meet peaks and troughs in demand as well as deal with differing levels of complexity.

Demand management and triage

We can operate your legal “front door” to ensure business demand is well managed and work is triaged to the most appropriate resource.

Streamlined process

We are experts in standardising legal outputs and process flows, driving greater consistency and faster turnaround times.


Our service is powered by LawTech to improve efficiencies and unlock value.

High quality

We have senior experienced lawyers to set up processes and protocols, provide quality assurance and deal with more complex matters.

Clear governance

You will always feel in control of your matters with regular governance meetings to discuss issues, trends and improvement opportunities.

Visibility and reporting

We capture contract KPIs and present this data via a dashboard customised to suit your needs, providing greater visibility.

SRA regulated service

Depending on your needs, we can deliver SRA regulated legal services, with user friendly commercial lawyers making tiered legal judgement calls.

Continuous improvement

Ongoing capture of legal positions, trends and knowhow to ensure we are constantly driving efficiency in our service.

Ongoing contract management

We can manage your existing relationships including obligation and rights management to maximise value and minimise leakage.

Global coverage

We have you covered wherever you need us to be with legal professionals in over 95 countries worldwide and service delivery centres in key locations.

How do we do it?

Becoming part of your legal eco-system is a big responsibility and we make sure we spend the time to set it up for success. Depending on the type and volume of work we will be assisting with, we recommend a period of onboarding and a pilot before full roll out. A typical programme might be:

Case study

What was the challenge?

The legal function of our client, a global consumer goods company, was struggling to keep up with demand from the business for support on a range of commercial contracts, including supply chain logistics, technology, research and development, data protection and information security terms. They had outsourced various pieces to different providers around the globe, but with inconsistent results, no collaboration and without stemming the overall demand problem. Whilst some of the contracts were quite simple and only initial drafting support was needed, others required more judgement and the business required support in negotiating with the other side.

What did we do?

We put together a balanced team to deliver end to end support, from initial request, contract creation, review and redline, supplier-facing negotiations using agreed playbooks, and the production of ready to sign executable documents. Working with the client, we agreed a delivery model for global contract support using multiple PwC offices, with work triaged to the appropriate resource depending on the timezone requirement, support type and matter complexity.

We also critically reviewed and refined templates and playbooks to reflect updates in client positions and suggested changes in light of relevant regulatory changes and market standards. As part of the ongoing service, our offshore team also provide data administration and helpdesk support to ensure management have full visibility over the portfolio of work and the users feel supported.

What was the outcome for the client?

The in-house team were able to safely let go of defined tiers of commercial contracting work and concentrate on more strategic matters where they can provide greater value to their colleagues. As we were providing similar assistance over different jurisdictions we were able to provide insights to the client on how they might better share knowledge and further standardise, achieving even greater rigour and driving more efficiencies. 

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