Deal Advisory

Accounting, reporting and controls to help you deliver the deal

Deals can be career defining events. But for those involved, they can also be lonely, nerve wracking and high-pressure. During a deal, every number needs to stand up to scrutiny. Deals rely on robust numbers, a solid process and having the right accounting, reporting and controls in place.

Your stakeholders will also want reassurance the deal will create the most value. You may have complex capital markets requirements or accounting standards to adhere to. You’ll be mobilising a team, managing risk and juggling deal accounting with day to day tasks. Meeting all those expectations is a careful balancing act.

How we can help

We advise privately owned, private equity backed organisations, as well as listed corporates - supporting with capital market transactions, acquisitions, mergers, IPOs, divestments, carve outs, disposals and refinancings.

Across all sectors and for businesses of all sizes, we’ll help you deliver your deal - by ensuring you have the right accounting, reporting and controls, with capital markets insight when you need it.

We support our clients in any of these three roles:

Deal Advisor

Our dedicated Deal Advisor acts as one point of contact throughout the deal process, bringing extensive deal and capital markets experience, insight and structured support to drive and navigate the entire deal process.

  • Board level support
  • Strategic advice
  • Whole deal alignment
  • Deal Readiness
  • Capital markets advice

Deal Management

We combine programme leadership and governance as part of our deal management support. This de-risks execution and can build confidence amongst your stakeholders, ensuring they have the right information at the right time to make key decisions.

  • Programme plan
  • Robust governance
  • Programme management
  • Driving the deal
  • Supporting key decisions

Deal Assist

Our Deal Assist framework provides technical expertise and capital markets resources to support your deal execution process through preparation of the critical deal deliverables.

  • Workstream delivery
  • The preparation of deliverables, such as:
    • Deal readiness report
    • Capital markets advice and rules navigation
    • Preparation of historical and forecast financial information and other deal-related documentation
    • Accounting advice and GAAP conversions
    • Governance, risk and controls enhancement
    • Treasury, structuring and ESG reporting advice

Support throughout the deal cycle    

We’ll give you the trusted support, guidance and capability you need to deliver, wherever you are in your deal cycle.

Assessing market conditions, setting earn-out benchmarks and understanding the risks you may face along the way. We’ll also help you estimate the resources, data and information you’ll need to deliver.

We also have an experienced Deal Strategy, Governance and PMO team, who can support with day-to-day project management as well as:

  • Deal, board & stakeholder management
  • Monitoring and mitigation of cross-workstream risks
  • Board documentation
  • Advisor coordination

Plotting a roadmap for your deal, helping you to prioritise your time and see roadblocks ahead of time. We’ll give you early visibility of what might happen and when,  including regulatory and capital markets requirements, so you can manage your team’s capacity and get stakeholder buy-in. We’ll also begin to think about what happens post-deal.

Creating a vision for what good looks like. We’ll help you understand the regulatory hurdles and likely risks you’ll face. We’ll get your finance, tax and accounting in good shape, as well as your data, cybersecurity controls, sustainability story and more. So it all stacks up to the equity story or outcome you want to achieve.

Supporting throughout the deal - in how you prioritise your time, manage regulatory risks, keep operations running and retain your key people.

We can provide technical expertise and flexible resource throughout the deal lifecycle, including:

  • Navigation of Global Capital Markets rules
  • Working capital and other forecast modelling
  • Due diligence support (filtering, challenging and responding to questions)
  • Governance, controls and FPP design and documentation
  • Investment Circular / Offering Memorandum drafting

Helping you understand what the deal means for you and your team - from accounting and controls to integrating existing and creating new systems. Our specialisms in cultural change and implementation mean we’ll also equip your team with the skills and understanding they need to thrive in a new structure. We’ll help you grow your team and make it run better.

Why choose us? Combining expertise with empathy

two people


We’re a team of experts who have done this before, with a breadth and depth of experience working across multiple sectors, from privately owned businesses to multinational organisations. We’ve advised on some of the leading transactions of recent years. We’ll provide you with the support you need in uncertain, high-pressure moments.


We’ll personalise our approach by getting to know you, your people, your systems, your business. All our advice will be tailored to you. We’ll challenge and rigorously scrutinise, so you can trust the financial information supporting what you’re buying or selling is solid and robust. We’ll help you deliver the deal and give you confidence in doing so.


We’ll combine fresh perspectives and experience with technological innovation to help you deliver, including a suite of digital accelerators.


We pride ourselves on our technical quality and governance. We’re a small and specially selected team, with capital markets, accounting and structuring expertise. We have deep specialisms in all of the areas involved in deals, from strategy to restructuring, from cybersecurity to sustainability.


You’ll have a single point of contact, able to convene the right expertise from other specialist teams across PwC, including financial due diligence, separation and integration, tax and people. This will help us build a deeper understanding of you and your business and give you the breadth of support you need across the deal. We’ll empathise with your situation, work closely with you and build the solutions you need.

Contact us

Richard  Jones

Richard Jones

Partner, Capital Markets, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7841 495119

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