Welcome to PwC's Accounting and Reporting Updates (ARU) - a series of live webcasts tailored towards those involved in accounting and reporting. Our sessions will provide you with technical and accounting knowledge in a flexible and interactive manner and also include discussions that may be relevant to your CPD reporting requirements.
Tuesday, 1 April 2025, 11:00 - 11:30 GMT
In our April webcast, amongst other things, we’ll be discussing accounting trends, regulatory areas of focus and what our expert panellists have seen in this reporting season so far. We will also be running an interactive Q&A session where you can ask questions and share your thoughts.
Join us for what promises to be a lively and practical session.Register for the April 1 ARU update Catch up on our November 2024 ARU update
Viewpoint includes authoritative literature as well as PwC’s guidance, insight and tools to support financial reporting and sustainability reporting. Use Viewpoint to access the latest news, PwC guidance, webcasts, research materials and full text of the accounting standards and sustainability disclosure standards.
Viewpoint provides UK, International, US, US GASB, Canada and Japan content. PwC guidance includes our Manuals of accounting, ‘In brief’ and ‘In depth’ publications, illustrative financial statements, year end reminders and regular podcasts.