
Current trends in the healthcare industry

Healthcare is undergoing significant change. Populations are growing and getting older, diagnosis and treatment is improving, meaning that demand for healthcare has never been higher.

Increased pressure on demand for services

Against this backdrop, the sector is experiencing an unprecedented squeeze of government spending. This key source of funding has grown well below underlying demand and has created system-wide pressure around the need to improve the efficiency of healthcare delivery, the desire to shift models of care from traditional ‘hospital’ settings into the wider community, and restricting access to publicly funded healthcare, shifting the cost to the private individual.

The future of healthcare provision

Nevertheless, opportunities exist. Many sub-sectors are benefitting from changing models and delivery of care. Technology is acting as a key enabler of this shift. Understating the interplay of these market dynamics is complex, but critical for providers and investors.


The number of people with three or more long-term conditions is predicted to rise from 1.9 million in 2008 to 2.9 million in 2018 (DH, Kings Fund).

Why PwC?

The PwC Deals Strategy healthcare team is the market-leading dedicated, sector-focused team with a strong track record of understanding these trends and their market impacts. We work with both public and private sector clients, helping to think about the key issues facing healthcare today, tomorrow and beyond.

We provide the full suite of commercial deal and strategy support covering:

  • Transactional commercial due diligence.
  • Market entry reviews.
  • Acquisition scanning.
  • Corporate strategy development.

Contact us

Andrew McKechnie

Andrew McKechnie

Value Creation and Realisation Leader, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7799 602349

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