PwC’s environmental tax and regulatory specialists can help clients to understand the increasingly complex requirements of both existing and developing environmental taxes and measures and their associated impact on business costs and supply chains. Our team - which includes industry specialists, UK qualified lawyers, and ex-HMRC officers - is able to provide tax and regulatory consultancy advice, compliance, and dispute
resolution services.
Whether the impact is UK focussed or international, being part of a global network of PwC environmental specialists, with SMEs in 80 territories, we undertake a significant amount of international work advising on environmental tax and regulatory developments across the world.
Whether you manufacture plastic packaging or import packaged goods, the UK's Plastic Packaging Tax could have implications for you.
Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) came into force in the UK on 1 April 2022. It applies at a rate of £217.85/tonne on plastic packaging with less than 30% recycled plastic, manufactured or imported into the UK (including packaging on goods which are imported).
A Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a measure aimed at preventing ‘carbon leakage’ by ensuring the carbon price of imports is equivalent to the carbon price of domestic production. The EU introduced a CBAM from October 2023. The UK is consulting on implementing a UK CBAM from 2027.
EPR laws aim to make producers responsible for their products throughout their life cycle. The producer’s responsibility is “extended” to the post-consumer phase of its life-cycle which might include reuse, recycling or waste management.
For UK Packaging EPR, ‘Producers’ include businesses that act as Brand Owners, Packer/fillers, Importers or First UK Owners, Distributors, Online Marketplace Operators, Service Providers, and/or Sellers of packaging. This encompasses packaging made of any material (not just plastic), and shipping packaging as well as primary / secondary packaging.
Obligations for Producers include mandatory registration and reporting, with payment of modulated fees expected from 2025.
With the pace of change, and the introduction of new measures across the globe, it can be challenging to keep track of environmental taxes and regulations and estimate their impact on your business. Our team, working closely with our international network, can assist you with horizon scanning - offering comprehensive, current compliance information regarding environmental taxes and measures across multiple jurisdictions.
All businesses are caught, irrespective of size, although SMEs and micro-enterprises will be subject to simplified obligations.
Director and Solicitor, Environmental Tax, PwC United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)7701 296045
Senior Manager, UK Environmental Regulatory Legal Lead, PwC United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)7483 326978