Environmental Taxes and Regulations

PwC’s environmental tax and regulatory specialists can help clients to understand the increasingly complex requirements of both existing and developing environmental taxes and measures and their associated impact on business costs and supply chains. Our team - which includes industry specialists, UK qualified lawyers, and ex-HMRC officers - is able to provide tax and regulatory consultancy advice, compliance, and dispute
resolution services.

Whether the impact is UK focussed or international, being part of a global network of PwC environmental specialists, with SMEs in 80 territories, we undertake a significant amount of international work advising on environmental tax and regulatory developments across the world.

Hot topics

Plastic Packaging Tax

Whether you manufacture plastic packaging or import packaged goods, the UK's Plastic Packaging Tax could have implications for you.

Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) came into force in the UK on 1 April 2022. It applies at a rate of £217.85/tonne on plastic packaging with less than 30% recycled plastic, manufactured or imported into the UK (including packaging on goods which are imported).

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Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)

A Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a measure aimed at preventing ‘carbon leakage’ by ensuring the carbon price of imports is equivalent to the carbon price of domestic production. The EU introduced a CBAM from October 2023. The UK is consulting on implementing a UK CBAM from 2027.

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Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

EPR laws aim to make producers responsible for their products throughout their life cycle. The producer’s responsibility is “extended” to the post-consumer phase of its life-cycle which might include reuse, recycling or waste management.

For UK Packaging EPR, ‘Producers’ include businesses that act as Brand Owners, Packer/fillers, Importers or First UK Owners, Distributors, Online Marketplace Operators, Service Providers, and/or Sellers of packaging. This encompasses packaging made of any material (not just plastic), and shipping packaging as well as primary / secondary packaging.

Obligations for Producers include mandatory registration and reporting, with payment of modulated fees expected from 2025.

Horizon Scanning

With the pace of change, and the introduction of new measures across the globe, it can be challenging to keep track of environmental taxes and regulations and estimate their impact on your business. Our team, working closely with our international network, can assist you with horizon scanning - offering comprehensive, current compliance information regarding environmental taxes and measures across multiple jurisdictions.

Landfill Tax (LFT)

What is it?

  • A tax on the disposal of waste, primarily at landfill sites.

Affected clients?

  • Landfill site operators. Businesses that move large amounts of waste material e.g. Infrastructure or construction projects.


  • Tax on weight of waste. Businesses are required to submit periodic returns.

Key considerations

  • Identification of waste types.
  • Penalties for unauthorised waste disposal.

How we can help

  • Advice on compliance.
  • Dispute resolution with HMRC.

Aggregates Levy (AGL)

What is it?

  • A tax on the commercial exploitation of aggregate.

Affected clients?

  • Mining and quarrying businesses. Businesses within the construction industry.


  • Tax on commercially exploited taxable aggregate at a rate of £2 per tonne.

Key considerations

  • Scope of exemption changed on 1 October 2023.
  • Businesses may be unaware they are within scope of tax.
  • Upcoming devolution of the regime to Scotland.

How we can help

  • Advice on compliance.
  • Dispute resolution with HMRC.

Climate Change Levy (CCL)

What is it?

  • A tax on the non-domestic use of energy.

Affected clients?

  • Businesses generating electricity or other types of energy.


  • Levy on the supply of taxable commodities to non-domestic consumers.

Key considerations

  • Complex to navigate - exemptions and reliefs may apply.
  • Businesses may be unaware they fall within scope.

How we can help

  • Assistance on complex compliance and application of reduced rates.
  • Dispute resolution with HMRC.

Horizon scanning

What is it?

  • Identification and assessment of developing international exposures and opportunities within the environmental tax and regulatory landscape.

Affected clients?

  • Businesses with complex international supply chains.

Key considerations

  • Applicable to all types of new and existing taxes and regulations across multiple jurisdictions.

How we can help

  • Leveraging our global network and existing resources for optimal reach and efficiency.
  • Tech enabled to provide analysis and forecasting to assess impact across the value chain.

Regulation on Deforestation Free Products (EUDR)

What is it?

  • A new regulation designed to reduce the EU market’s impact on global deforestation and biodiversity loss.

Affected clients?

  • Both Operators and Traders of in-scope products and commodities:
    • Operator - any natural or legal person, who in the course of a commercial activity, places relevant products on the EU market, or exports them from the EU.
    • Trader - any person in the supply chain, other than the operator, who, in the course of a commercial activity, makes the relevant products available on the EU market.

All businesses are caught, irrespective of size, although SMEs and micro-enterprises will be subject to simplified obligations.


  • Businesses importing, exporting or trading on the EU market in products derived from seven specified commodities - cattle, coffee, cocoa, palm oil, soy, wood and rubber.

Key considerations

  • The regulation is already in force with obligations starting after 30 December 2024.
  • The preparation required is significant, including mapping supply chains and identifying in-scope goods.
  • Non-compliance could result in the seizure of goods and fines up to 4% of EU turnover.

How we can help

  • Scope assessment, supply chain analysis and compliance support.

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

What is it?

  • A new sustainability reporting Directive introduced by the EU, expanding upon existing non-financial reporting rules.

Affected clients?

  • Large EU and non-EU companies who operate inside of the EU; and
  • Small and medium companies listed in an EU-regulated market.


  • The CSRD strengthens sustainability reporting requirements for large businesses and mandates companies operating in the EU to publicly disclose information on material sustainability topics - including the impact of their activities on climate change, their use of natural resources, the pollution they emit, their carbon footprint and also their commitments to respect human rights and labour laws.

Key considerations

  • Complex reporting framework being implemented in all EU Member States.
  • Also affects non-EU companies.
  • Non-compliance poses significant reputational risks as well as the risk of fines and potential liability for directors.

How we can help

  • Entity mapping, double-materiality assessments, and compliance advice.

The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)

What is it?

  • A new legislative framework introduced by the EU that requires companies to conduct due diligence and demonstrate what action they are taking to address risks to the environment and human rights.

Affected clients?

  • Very large companies (turnover >EUR 450m (and >1000 employees if an EU company));
  • Ultimate parents of large groups who meet the thresholds above; and
  • Large franchising/licensing companies (turnover and royalty thresholds apply).


  • The CSDDD introduces requirements for companies to identify, prevent and mitigate the actual and potential impacts of their activities on the environment and on human rights abuses. It requires companies to conduct due diligence on their own operations as well as on the activities of their subsidiaries and other entities in their value chains.

Key considerations

  • Interlinked with CSRD but introduces entirely new obligations.
  • Requires significant preparation ahead of implementation of new due diligence policies.
  • Also affects non-EU companies.

How we can help

  • Legal entity analysis and compliance advice.

EU Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR)

What is it?

  • A framework that ensures products placed on the EU market are produced more sustainably, labelled appropriately and easier to repair and recycle.

Affected clients?

  • Those placing or putting into service “any physical good” on the EU market, irrespective of its origin – therefore includes goods placed by those outside the EU.


  • Ecodesign requirements will apply to consumer and industrial goods, but excludes food, vehicles, medicinal and veterinary products, living plants and a few other specific exemptions.

Key considerations

  • The ESPR is due to enter into force by July 2024. The first delegated acts spelling out specific Ecodesign requirements are expected in the second half of 2025.
  • The ESPR will introduce a requirement for a ‘digital passport’ which will make a product’s sustainability-related information accessible for everyone, including customers, authorities, and public interest entities.

How we can help

  • Advice on applicability and compliance.

Contact us

Holly Grantham

Holly Grantham

Director, UK Environmental Tax Lead, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7701 296045

Alex Hawley

Alex Hawley

Senior Manager, UK Environmental Regulatory Legal Lead, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7483 326978

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