Spotlight on: Laura Morris

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Spotlight on: Laura Morris

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I’m Laura Morris, a Personal Tax Partner specialising in advising Alternative Investment Funds and their executives. I have a passion for people, creativity and technology and also lead technology in the Alternative Investment Fund tax practice.

The landscape that my clients operate in is complex, and poses a number of challenges. It’s highly regulated, changing and expanding rapidly, as well as resource constrained and subject to scrutiny from tax authorities, investors and other stakeholders alike.

These factors have brought the use of technology to enhance compliance, and the effective management of tax audits into many of the conversations I’m currently having with clients.

My team and I are speaking to clients about how we can use technology to enhance their compliance processes, support their tax function and provide UK tax authorities with relevant comfort as part of tax audits.

One such example is where we’re using technology to provide insightful and efficient end to end fund, executive and investor reporting, including automated income based carried interest assessments as part of our carried interest reporting proposition.

We are also working with administrators to use live data feeds and analytics to quickly assimilate and substantiate information required as part of HMRC enquiries.

Reporting and data are just two examples of where technology is having a meaningful impact for our clients, and new and exciting solutions to the challenging environment are being made available constantly.

I feel that the best is yet to come as we use technology to drive efficiency to the benefit of business and society as a whole.

If you would like to discuss the use of technology in your tax function, or would like to understand more about the current landscape with HMRC in respect of the Alternative Investment Fund industry, do not hesitate to contact me or your usual PwC contact.

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