Now in its 20th year, the annual survey collects data from 100 Group members and reports on the contribution made in taxes borne, taxes collected and the wider economic contribution.
We have analysed trends over the last 12 months and also the last 20 years, highlighting the changing tax profile and how changing economic conditions and legislation have impacted these trends.
Explore the data from our TTC surveys in more detail, comparing the change in profile between different years and different taxes.
The survey collects data from 100 Group members on the contribution made in all taxes borne - the taxes that represent a cost to the company such as Corporation Tax, employer National Insurance contributions, Business Rates, irrecoverable VAT and Bank Levy.
Analysis over the 20 years of the survey shows a significant change in the profile of taxes borne. The contribution made to total taxes borne by taxes other than Corporation Tax is greater in 2024 when compared with 2005. This changing profile for the 100 Group suggests that tax revenues contributed by this group of companies have become materially less dependent on Corporation Tax.
Over 20 years, the TTC survey has collected an extensive bank of data on tax payments by the 100 Group members. 26 companies have provided data in all the surveys we have undertaken. This enables us to look at the trends in their results on a like-for-like basis, taking 2005 as 100% for each tax.
The 2024 survey period coincided with the first increase in Corporation Tax rate in 20 years of the TTC survey. The headline rate increase, from 19% to 25%, together with rising profits, led to a 26% increase in Corporation Tax. As a result, Corporation tax in 2024 is above the 2005 level for the first time since 2008.
The broad trend from 2005 to 2015 was decreasing Corporation Tax being offset by increasing other taxes borne. The decrease in Corporation Tax was due to a number of factors: reductions in the statutory rate of Corporation Tax (from 30% in 2005 to 19% from April 2017), but also, between 2010 to 2015, reduced contributions from the oil and gas sector due to lower oil prices and production levels, from the retailers due to challenging economic conditions, and from the financial services sector, mainly due to brought forward losses.
From 2017 onwards, the general trend has been one of increasing Corporation Tax, driven by the introduction of the Bank Surcharge in 2016 and legislation to restrict the use of losses carried forward, corporate interest deductions and compensation payment restrictions for banks. As a result of the rate increase from 19% to 25% in 2023, Corporation Tax makes up a third of all taxes borne in this year’s survey, the largest share since 2011.