Integrate successfully

Making sure your acquisition delivers value

Delivering deal value continues to be challenging, even in today’s dynamic deal environment. The most experienced deal makers say they know what to do, but success remains hard to come by and despite the best of intentions, integrations too often fall short of meeting expectations.

A strategic and tailored approach to integration will ensure that your deal delivers its full potential. By setting clearly defined objectives and targets that focus explicitly on value delivery, we maximise the value of your deal while reducing the risks involved in post-close value capture activities.


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What we can do

We assist clients with developing and securing a robust deal business case that clearly identifies value creation opportunities and risks, and we underpin our analysis on a realistic operating model design for the combined businesses. 

We help clients increase their operational knowledge of target companies during due diligence thereby confirming and expanding value creation opportunities while minimising risks for post-close value capture. We then help clients accelerate the transition and achieve rapid integrations that fully realise the desired synergies and allow them to return to a "business as usual" environment as quickly as possible after a deal.

To put it simply, we help clients to:

  • Create a robust revenue and cost synergy cases that capture the full deal potential 
  • Design and implement combined operating models (including organisation structure and leadership appointments) that deliver rapid value impact, create a path for change, and foster sustainable long term deal value across people, businesses, geographies, functions and technology
  • Establish a robust and tested integration capability to effectively and efficiently manage integration planning and delivery
  • Align leadership to capture deal value 
  • Drive cultural changes and integrations that motivate, retain and excite employees


Seven fundamental tenets of successful integration

Seven fundamental tenets provide a successful framework for integration that have been tried and proven time and again. What are the seven fundamental tenets of successful integration?

Capturing synergies

The ultimate goal of any merger or acquisition is to create shareholder value. The value realised in an acquisition depends in large part on how well the newly combined company identifies, manages, and executes on value creation and value capture opportunities. Buyers can take specific steps to more successfully navigate the value capture process by following a well defined, disciplined, and transparent approach to creating value and tracking synergies.

Integration management office

Converting integration strategy into detailed actions that align people, process, and systems with integration objectives requires and effective governance structure – an Integration Management Office (IMO). An IMO can be the glue that holds an integration together.

People in M&A Integration

Aligning people related activities with integration strategy is a critical success factor, involving detailed planning & execution when assessing leaders, retaining the right people, designing the organisation, implementing a change management program, aligning cultures, and communicating effectively.

Contact us

Roberta Carter

Roberta Carter

UK Value Creation Leader and Global DDV Leader, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7710 036054

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