Inclusive leadership is about how we activate and mobilise the differences we have in our firm to achieve this. Whether it be gender, cultural background, skills and experience or wider.
Diversity and inclusion is good for business and has been shown that organisations with inclusive leaders are 70% more likely to have captured a new market in the past 12 months and are 45% more likely to increase market share.
For me inclusion is the act of making people feel like they belong and are valued for their individual contribution, it recognises difference as a good thing. It encourages us to open opportunities to everyone irrespective of location, role or specialism, finding the best skills for our clients on a cross deals business and national level.
It is clear to me that creating a diverse and inclusive workforce is both the right thing to do and commercially sound.
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How PwC is responding to changing market conditions and ensuring the continued empowerment of our people
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