Supporting our clients net zero journey

A key element of our global net zero commitment is advocating beyond our own operations, by supporting our clients and suppliers to reduce their carbon emissions.

With many global companies formally pledging to reach net zero by 2050, we’re helping our clients on their transformation journey to a low carbon world and to deal with a tide of changes in regulation and  disclosure.  

Our ability to combine expertise across strategy, risk, assurance, deals and disruption really differentiates us and this builds on the work that our world leading sustainability and climate change team has pioneered over the last decade. 

We are working with clients from a range of sectors and industries on aspects of the climate challenge from baselining and footprinting, to identifying and reporting climate-related risks, to comprehensive net zero strategy development and delivery. 

Our annual Net Zero supplier forum this year focused on how business can move from net zero ambition to action. This leveraged the ‘Building Blocks for Net Zero Transformation’ report that we co-produced with Microsoft, which provides a blueprint for net zero business transformation.

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Corporate Affairs, PwC United Kingdom

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