Our ultimate goal is to be the leading professional services firm, but we need a robust strategy in place to make this a reality. To achieve this we know we need to work together to be innovative, responsible and attract outstanding people.
We’ve built our strategy around five priorities: 1) be technology enabled, 2) deliver exceptional value to our clients, 3) empower our people, 4) lead by example, and 5) invest in sustainable, profitable growth.
Demonstrating genuine leadership is more important to us than size or short term revenue growth. This is a differentiator we are proud of and we hope you find it is reflected throughout our annual report. We invest in innovation and long-term growth and we manage our business for quality, profit and sustainability.
At the heart of our business is our people. Attracting the right talent is key and as a progressive employer we’re continuing to develop a diverse and agile workforce who feel empowered to be the best they can be. You can find out more about how we’re trying to achieve this in the people section of our annual report.
To bring our strategy to life we’ve collected case studies to demonstrate a range of activities and projects we’ve worked on in FY18, you can find these in our stories section.
Find out how we’re living our Purpose through our client work, our core operations, our supply chain and our community engagement.
In our leading in changing times section, find out how we’re doing things differently and adding value for our clients.
How PwC is responding to changing market conditions and ensuring the continued empowerment of our people
In our governance and transparency section, find out how we govern ourselves, how we’re building trust and improving transparency as well as how we manage risk...
© 2015 - 2025 PwC. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see how we are structured for further details.