Shining a light on modern slavery

This year we introduced a mandatory training module ‘Shining a light on modern slavery’. Building on previous training, the purpose-built interactive e-learning is designed to ensure all our people have sufficient understanding of this important topic, and is just one example of how we’re strengthening our approach.

Setting the scene

Modern slavery is a growing global criminal industry that businesses could become associated with unknowingly. According to Global Slavery Index, there are an estimated 40 million victims of modern slavery across the world. 

As a leading professional services company, providing a range of services to clients spanning sectors and geographies, we’re committed to respecting and upholding internationally recognised human rights. This is in addition to having a number of client-facing teams that specialise in helping clients assess, manage and report on their own modern slavery risks.

How we helped

Aligned with our values, we feel it is our responsibility to ensure that our people are sufficiently informed about this criminal activity to recognise its indicators and to know what actions to take to safeguard victims. 

We created the bespoke module to explore the topic: outlining the scale of exploitation occurring globally; the impacts these crimes have on victims; and the role of businesses in tackling it. The module has been completed by our 22,000 people.

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“Modern slavery devastates people’s lives and businesses have a vital role to play in tackling it. Ensuring our people are sufficiently informed is foundational to our approach, and so this training represents a significant milestone.”

Emma Cox, Sustainability and Climate Change Leader, PwC UK

Making a difference

The training is designed to make us stop and think. Any of us could unknowingly encounter people who are victims. And we can all benefit from being aware of the signs of modern slavery we might come across in our personal or professional lives.

By raising our people’s awareness and building knowledge on this topic, we’re helping develop a broader understanding in society. In turn, our people are better equipped to contribute towards the conversation and build a movement to effect change.

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Corporate Affairs, PwC United Kingdom

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