Annual Report 2023

Building a lasting legacy with the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games

Play field
  • Case Study
In 2019, we embarked on a three-year engagement to help deliver the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games and support its bold ambitions to be the most sustainable, inclusive Games to date.

Setting the scene

The Games had to be organised at record speed, while facing high levels of complexity, scrutiny and geopolitical challenges. The Organising Committee (OC) engaged us to help plan and deliver the Games successfully and safely, while creating social and economic value for Birmingham and the UK.

As the official supplier of professional advisory services, our remit covered a variety of services, including risk, cyber, assurance, tax, crisis management and ESG. 

As a corporate sponsor, our engagement went even further with our ‘Commonwealth Collective’ programme, which saw over 500 of our people from across the UK volunteer at the Games.

How we helped

We demonstrated our passion for solving important problems by:

  • Drawing on our understanding of the environment in which the OC was operating, from local to macro political and economic perspectives, to help them navigate complex issues.

  • Investing our time and expertise into the Games to develop innovative solutions, from managing the impact of the pandemic to helping the OC deliver its sustainability and social value commitments.

  • Empowering the communities in which we work, encouraging skills development, social mobility, and diversity & inclusion. 

Our people can allocate up to six working days to volunteering each year, which we encouraged them to do at the Games. We also launched Move The Nation, a firmwide campaign to encourage partners and staff to complete 2,022 minutes of themed team activities to promote sustainability practices, better wellbeing, and learning new skills.

“PwC were well-acquainted with the Commonwealth Sport Movement having worked with us to develop our CGF Games Value Framework. This is a groundbreaking report evaluating the benefits and return on investment of hosting the Commonwealth Games. With a large, talented workforce in the Midlands, committed to the broader vision and mission of the Games, we were delighted that they have continued their involvement as a professional services provider and also joined the Birmingham 2022 sponsor family.”

Dame Louise Martin
President of the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF)

Making a difference

Birmingham 2022 was delivered smoothly, with an unprecedented underspend achieved from financial management. 

We’re proud to be part of delivering Games that set new sustainability and diversity & inclusion records: 

  • The first Games on track to deliver a carbon-neutral legacy,

  • First to award more medals for female athletes than to males,

  • The largest integrated Para sport programme. 

As genuine supporters, our 500+ volunteers spent over 6,500 hours getting the Games ready, upskilling others, and providing support during the Games. We left the field having created a lasting legacy of reputational, economic and social benefits for Birmingham and the UK.

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Annual Report enquiries

Corporate Affairs, PwC United Kingdom

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