Social mobility

Inclusion, Community, Advocacy

As a major employer, we believe we can play a positive role in increasing social mobility through our recruitment, development and progression, community and advocacy activities.

Our aim is to:

  • lead by example as an employer and be recognised as an inclusive organisation where people from all backgrounds are able to work, develop and succeed

  • use our skills and resources to enable people from disadvantaged backgrounds across the UK to make the most of their potential, whether at PwC or elsewhere.

Our social mobility strategy


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  • Supporting social mobility within disadvantaged communities.
  • Deliver volunteering programmes for our people to support this.
  • Recent community engagement activities include:
    • Hosting over 1,000 years 7-9 (or equivalent) students in our offices across the UK for our Spring Schools Series
    • Engaging with over 2500 students from 50 schools across the UK to develop their essential skills and boost employability as part of One Firm One Day
    • Hosting over 230 students on paid work experience ring fenced for students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds

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  • .Advocate the importance of increased social mobility and the impact of our strategy and actions to both our internal and external stakeholders.
  • Collaborate with others and use our influence to achieve the multiplier effect.
  • Recent advocacy activities include:
    • Continuing our support of the UK Social Mobility Awards
    • Continuing and growing our support for the Social Mobility Foundation’s campaigning arm - the Department for Opportunity
    • Sharing ‘social mobility stories’ of our people internally and externally 
    • Continuing to grow and develop our Social Mobility Network



In the spotlight, PwC LinkedIn newsletter

Unlocking talent across the UK

Contact us

Hollie Crompton

Social Mobility Lead, PwC United Kingdom

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