Transparency Report 2022 - An Audit culture that supports quality transcript

Callum Holliday, Senior Associate

Being able to deliver high quality audits requires specialist skills. This means I invest in my personal development and prioritise coaching to learn from others and share knowledge.

Ozge Dogankaya, Associate

I know I've delivered high quality work when I get praise and encouragement from my team.

Steph Wallace, Director

Working together in a hybrid environment, I value the opportunity to come together as a team and with the organisations I audit. Being able to work face to face is important for delivering a high quality audit.

Ed Toso, Manager

I know we’ve delivered high quality work when mine or my team’s work stands up to our rigorous review process.

Yvonne Thomas, Senior Associate

Challenge is important to quality and I know that everyone in my team is open to challenge. We’ve created a safe space where I’m confident that my voice will be heard.

Harsha Vardana, Senior Manager

To achieve high quality, I value the robust challenge and debate I have within my teams to reach the right conclusion on a complex matter.

Charlotte Kennedy, Director

Quality and timeliness of audit deliverables underpin high quality assurance, therefore clear client contracting is critical for success.

Ibrahim Loutfi, Senior Manager

High quality means to me, doing a piece of work and feeling like I've done my absolute best.

Ruairidh Macleod, Associate

I really enjoy taking the time to stand back and celebrate our success as a team, taking pride in what we’ve achieved together and recognising the importance and purpose of the work we do.

Anika Tabassum, Senior Manager

The satisfaction that I gain from delivering high quality work is the value it delivers to shareholders and wider society.

Contact us

Andrew Hammond

Andrew Hammond

Head of Audit, PwC United Kingdom

Sotiris Kroustis

Sotiris Kroustis

Chief Risk and Quality Officer, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7841 490928

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