Richard Petley

Richard Petley

Data & Analytics in Assurance, Midlands Regional Leadership, PwC United Kingdom

Richard takes a lead role in the management of our Data Assurance practice in the UK with a focus on Data Quality Management and Data Governance. Richard is a chartered accountant and experienced financial professional, who has led a broad range of assignments to address financial management, governance and performance improvement issues in both public and private sector organisations. Within the Insurance sector Richard has helped many of our clients develop their Data Governance in response to the challenges of Solvency II, developing Data Policies and Governance Frameworks.

Richard led the development of our data transformation methodology and has conducted a number of assignments in this field with particular emphasis on the importance of data quality - helping clients add value to their data by improving and managing quality to meet the needs of their businesses. He has worked extensively with board level management to help develop their understanding of how data can improve business performance. He has particular expertise in helping clients improve financial performance information.

He has extensive practical experience of leading the design and implementation of improved financial management procedures, including hands on experience gained from several assignments where he was engaged to help clients resolve breakdowns in control or financial information.

Contact details

Tel: +44 (0)121 265 5756



  • Data Governance and Quality
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