International development

International development has made great strides in our lifetimes. But the world’s poorest and most vulnerable communities continue to face huge challenges. PwC is assisting governments, donors, foundations and NGOs across the globe to help manage their international programmes, funds and internal operations to help alleviate poverty and boost global economic growth.

“Transforming the impact investment market in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia for the long term.”

Supporting economic development through improved business engagement, impact investment, inclusive growth, and investment climates.

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“28 countries, 80+ institutions and over 350 trained climate negotiators in developing countries – a powerful global network driving climate-compatible development.”

Helping governments, NGOs and private sector organisations better mitigate carbon emissions and adapt to climate change.

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“Reforming the police service in the Democratic Repubilic of Congo – building trust between local communities and police officers.”

Increasing accountability, transparency and trust between governments and their people, resulting in better governance and security worldwide.

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“£300m across 17 countries in Africa and Asia – the largest ever global fund dedicated to girls’ education.”

Improving the lives of the world’s poorest people by enhancing and increasing access to basic services.

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Contact us

Rachel Taylor

Rachel Taylor

Leader of Industry for Government and Health Industries, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7841 783022

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