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The financial services sector plays a core role in society, and is better placed than any other sector to arm consumers, SMEs and investors with the knowledge and insights they need to create value. In this video series, industry leaders share examples of how human ingenuity and technology is helping to build resilience and solve important problems.
View TranscriptSacha Romanovitch
If you look at there being potentially a sort of 5 to 6 billion gap just in affordable credit, imagine if we could really sort out proper financing for either community finance providers or some to direct delivery from mainstream, to be able to meet that unmet need.
Sam Everington
Businesses are going to have to be more innovative over the next few years, we don’t know what’s coming and we’re going to have to adapt and pivot quickly to changing market conditions.We’re trying to solve real problems for people.
Rhys Thomas
There’s early-stage investment into businesses available. But when you see some of those nurturing and growing, they sort of hit a glass ceiling. And this… really is about taking that away and allowing them to further grow.
Amanda Young
Technology is essential because we need to get all this information, environmental, social data out there to our investors so that they understand what the risks are [for the individual companies and the investments they’re making], But more importantly is how technology can provide help to society. If you can create products that meet the growing need of the population, you’re going to be in a really positive position to succeed.
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