As consumer demands and loyalties shift, retail and consumer goods businesses must embrace agility to maintain market share. At the same time, increased regulatory scrutiny and cost pressures are driving the need for new ways to profitable, responsible growth. Your route to transformation may focus on sustainability, diversity and inclusion or how technology can augment your customer journey. Or perhaps building cyber resilience, optimising cost or mergers and acquisitions are your strategic focus. Or all of the above.
Whatever your needs, we have the right people to help you deliver that sustainable change. We are helping retail and consumer goods businesses to embed resilience, capitalise on accelerating consumer trends, benefit from new technologies and integrate new and different business models.
There’s a widely held belief that the way people buy consumer healthcare products is predictable and habitual. While this holds true to some extent, there are significant opportunities for brands and retailers to attract, convert and retain consumers.
As consumers become increasingly informed, self-reliant and empowered, the brands that will thrive are those that address unmet needs and offer trusted, tailored, and competitive products.
Global FDD Leader and Retail, Consumer and Leisure Specialist, PwC United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)7802 882562
Leader of Industry for Consumer Markets, PwC United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)7850 515966