Gina McIntyre shares tips following a malicious cyber attack

Gina McIntyre, CEO of the North/South Implementation Body the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) shares her tips following a malicious cyber attack.

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Gina McIntyre shares tips following a malicious cyber attack

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Security of your information and data is key throughout the entire business.

Identify what your data priorities are and your crown jewels are that need to be protected.

I would suggest bringing in a CISO (Chief Information Security Officer).

We didn’t have one, we’ve now a virtual CISO and let themm review your security top to bottom.

Look at your supply chain, your vulnerabilities, because your biggest vulnerability is going to be one human being with the remote working, who clicks on something that they shouldn’t have.

Do your test runs, your continuity plans, test them out of hours and have standalone backups.

And if one thing I can say is we do now, monitor, monitor monitor.

We assess the global trends, we assess the risks.

So we continually stay as vigilant as we possibly can, and as up to date as we possibly can.

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Richard Horne

Richard Horne

Cyber Security Partner and Chairman, PwC United Kingdom

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Bobbie Ramsden-Knowles

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Tel: +44 (0)7483 422701
