Video transcript: Managed Cyber Defence

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Managed Cyber Defence


Ross Foley: More and more, business relies on a digital-first approach. But the very thing that drives transformation and growth can also be exploited by cyber attackers – and they can cause irreparable harm.

In an era where digital threats are escalating in sophistication and frequency, businesses and individuals face significant challenges in protecting their digital assets and safeguarding their business. Just as organisations are in a perpetual state of transformation, so cyber threats are ever-evolving.

Managed Cyber Defence has emerged as a critical solution to support our clients and help us to create a secure digital society.

Nishanth Dharuman: PwC’s Managed Cyber Defence provides instant access to top-tier expertise, proactive monitoring. We help our clients comply with regulations around operational resilience and data protection.

Managed Cyber Defence combines our deep cyber security expertise with cutting-edge technology to significantly reduce the likelihood and impact of attacks, allowing our clients to focus on the core of their business.

Our team of specialists operates 24/7. We have access to world-class threat intelligence and utilise advanced threat-hunting, and detection and response capabilities. The service also monitors activity, and provides user and entity behaviour analytics, that helps detect the most advanced threats. Our MDR service brings all this together into a single, unified view of our clients' environments through the PwC Threat Management Portal - regardless of the underlying technology.

Robust detection and response is a necessity in today’s digital world - and a non-negotiable for organisations of all sizes. We provide you with peace and mind, allowing your business to operate securely and efficiently.

By leveraging our expertise and advanced technologies, you can fortify your defences and navigate the digital era with confidence.

Uchechi Onyensoh: Meanwhile, PwC’s Managed Cloud Security brings the same level of expertise and technology to the protection of cloud services. As organisations transition to the cloud most have at best a fragmented and incomplete view of cloud security.

So MCS provides a single view of all cloud assets and exposures across multiple providers.

The process begins with a short and detailed assessment. This gives us the risk insights we need to design and build an optimised and secure cloud environment.

Once it’s up and running, MCS provides security reporting for compliance while end-to-end security controls sit across build, deploy and run. So our 24/7 team can raise all critical exposures and incidents in a matter of minutes, not days.

Ross: PwC’s Managed Cyber Defence brings best in class technology platforms, unique threat intelligence and bespoke automation capabilities to help transform our client’s security operations .

Our combination of cutting edge technology, and a team of trusted experts ensures that our clients are ready to respond to even the most sophisticated cyber threats. Let us focus on your security so that you can focus on the core of your business.

Contact us

Ross Foley

Ross Foley

Cyber Security Managed Cyber Defence Lead Director, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7843 330838

Nicola  Jakeman

Nicola Jakeman

Service Delivery Lead, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7483 347239

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