PwC and Guidewire Alliance

Here to help you meet the technological demands of the modern insurance market

The Insurance industry is facing challenges and disruption at an unprecedented scale due to an increase in global volatility and market uncertainty. With PwC and Guidewire we’re enhancing insurers ability to serve their customers needs and ensure they remain relevant in an environment that has shifted in many ways. Guidewire Software allows insurance companies to transform their platforms into a scalable, integratable and resilient ecosystem which is designed to boost their customer engagement and experience, enable innovation and fortify their ability to meet the demands of the modern insurance market.

PwC’s award-winning consultants have completed over 260 Guidewire projects globally since 2005 and we’ve established ourselves as one of the most trusted authorities in this domain. During this time we’ve also amassed a huge library of tools, assets and expertise that can help to deliver value early while ensuring risk is properly managed and maintained.

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PwC solutions powered by Guidewire


Guidewire InsuranceSuite is a set of interconnected core systems and modules which form the ideal technology platform to deliver on supporting your critical requirements for all lines of business; while promoting sales, service, and underwriting improvements.

An optimised insurance operations solution that grows with your business model by delivering insights derived from an engaged customer community. This empowers employees, agents, and customers to respond with agility and adapt to market change.


A web based underwriting and policy management tool that enables insurers to meet the needs of a rapidly changing industry through more effective risk management, agile product management, efficient business processes and excellent customer service. PolicyCenter is also highly integratable, allowing users to leverage new data sources to improve risk, rating and underwriting. New products can be launched quickly and our PolicyCenter experts can utilise tools and accelerators such as the Advanced Product Designer (APD) to conceptualise, visualise and finalise new product lines, reducing time to market while maintaining quality.

PolicyCenter is designed with the end to end insurance customer lifecycle in mind. Business process efficiency gains can be achieved through utilising the out of the box PolicyCenter functionality designed to maximise value while allowing for configurability to ensure that what makes your business special is retained. We also have a number of assets and configuration frameworks that can help to ensure a quick, consistent and clear approach to delivering new processes and business rules.


BillingCenter helps insurers effectively manage payments, invoices, reconciliations, delinquencies and other day to day operations to improve business efficiency and enhance performance. A billing system that manages all aspects of the invoicing and payment lifecycle, this serves as an insurance sub-ledger and provides exception-handling, commission-management, and direct and agency billing capabilities.

Overall this enables insurers to better engage and empower their teams and agents to deliver superior customer service, improve workflows and optimise billing processes in line with modern customer expectations and market regulations.


ClaimCenter manages the entire claims lifecycle from first notification of loss through to settlement, litigation, and recovery. ClaimCenter provides insurers with all of the tools needed within a claims application that is based on sophisticated but easy to manage business rules. It is designed to provide insurers with total control over the entire claims process, allowing them to succeed in a rapidly changing industry.

Real time access to accurate information allows claims handlers to make the right decision for each claim and enhance their claims management process to ensure customer satisfaction and business value is achieved.


The Cloud model enables rapid innovation cycles by utilising continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) development pipelines which accelerate time to market and provide the agility to respond to changes in market expectations, business requirements and emerging technologies. Scalability and resilience is at the forefront of this which allows businesses to ensure their customers always have access to the services they need. InsuranceNow is Guidewire’s cloud offering, as an alternative to the traditional on-premise InsuranceSuite. It allows for rapid implementation, fast upgrades and quick response to changing market conditions and customer demands. It improves system performance and sustainability by reducing the need for complex upgrades, deployments and maintenance tasks.

PwC’s experience in delivering effective Cloud solutions will allow insurers and customers to benefit from this technology. Whether cloud first or migrating to cloud, Guidewire and PwC offer a number of options to enable insurers to take their business to the next level.


Guidewire provides a suite of data modules that facilitates the extraction and storage of data, enabling trusted data-driven decision-making as well as predictive analytics at all levels - from an individual customer or policy through to the performance of the entire business. Choosing and implementing the right data solution can be a daunting task due to the number of options available and the potential costs involved.

PwC combines broad insurance industry knowledge, unmatched Guidewire data implementation experience and a broad range of technical skills, encompassing all the leading data tools and platforms to help insurers maximise the value they generate from their data and insights.

Digital Portals

Consumer expectations have been radically changed in the insurance market and the expectation is that all businesses have some digital presence and capabilities. Portals offer insurers the opportunity to forge stronger ties and deepen relationships by meeting the online self-service demands of policyholders, agents, brokers, business partners, and vendors.

Using Guidewire digital portals such as CustomerEngage or VendorEngage, means that value can be maximised through self service while maintaining quality and the control of risk. Our team has considerable experience across desktop, mobile and app based portals to ensure an outstanding digital experience is delivered while also benefiting from the flexibility and efficiency provided by the other Guidewire platforms.

Online Claim Management, Account Management and Quote and Buy portals can be provided to ensure that customers are able to conveniently access the services they need at any time - while reducing the business impact of dealing with common requests.

Underwriting and Rating Management

Modern underwriting demands a balance between intelligent systems and experienced professionals to deliver straight-through processing, real-time collaboration, and complex case handling. Our multidisciplinary teams can ensure this balance is maintained while utilising recent innovations, InsurTech solutions and internal expertise to manage risk effectively.

Rating is essential to ensure that customers are treated fairly and that business value is maximised - increasingly third party data sources and advanced analytics are needed to remain competitive in a market where this has become the norm. Our experts can utilise PwC’s considerable experience in delivering advanced analytics and AI solutions to provide tools, insights and approaches to optimise your customer portfolio profitability.


Despite the considerable benefits core platform upgrades provide, new releases of these systems have the ability to impact existing infrastructure, application configuration and external integrations, especially in the case of a major deviation from the out of the box product. With experience in delivering almost every version of Guidewire and upgrade combination, our experts can guide you on your upgrade journey to minimise disruption and ensure business continuity.


When moving to Guidewire platforms, one of the major challenges is dealing with legacy and the consolidation of data. Guidewire provides a number of tools to ensure a seamless transition to new platforms while maintaining business and process continuity. PwC can lead your journey in migration from legacy Policy, Claims, Billing or data systems into the Guidewire suite. Whether for one application or a full stack, we’re able to provide expertise and guidance to be able to ensure that your data is effectively managed and risk is limited.

Accelerators and Assets

Guidewire offers over 400 tools, accelerators and assets in their marketplace which provide solutions to common business and implementation challenges. Our team has extensive experience in ensuring that Guidewire accelerators can be used to leverage efficiency gains and optimise delivery. Whether looking to enhance testing or code efficiency and quality, utilise a common integration, or take advantage of an existing templated product - we’re able to recommend and support the effective use of these.

How we work with you

International in composition and global in outlook, our Guidewire practice has drawn some of the best talent from industry, consulting and tech to support you on your Guidewire journey. With their evolving and expanding offering, our team can focus on a delivery method and implementation plan that is catered towards your individual business needs and geared towards more immediate value realisation, faster upgrades and swifter responses to changing market conditions and shifts in customer expectations.

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is essential for modern businesses in order to remain competitive in a disrupted market and in a period of global volatility. Harnessing new technologies and understanding how to implement them with agility is critical to the ability of organisations to thrive in this ever-changing environment. At PwC we’re able to draw upon our world leading knowledge base to bring the right domain expertise to whatever your challenges are. By building multi-functional teams from areas such as our Insurance, Customer Led Transformation and our in house Guidewire specialists we’re able to design and deliver customer-centric digital business solutions. Our multidisciplinary teams can support not only in integrating, upgrading or enhancing your technology stack but building your technical and organisational capability to ensure long term success.

Digital and Data Solutions

As part of our consistent commitment for innovation within the insurance market, we’ve developed a number of digital solutions for insurance which can be rapidly deployed against Guidewire platforms. An example of this is our SME Insurance offering, which is purpose built to enable faster innovations, provide an exceptional experience and reduce costs.

At PwC, we’ve got a demonstrable track record of enabling insurers to leverage new data sources and optimise their existing data to deliver greater customer insight and understanding. This can help to refine customer journeys, detect and reduce fraud, enhance pricing efficiency based on policyholder behaviour and improve underwriting efficiency through better risk assessment. Utilising Guidewire’s in-built data capabilities as well as our expertise in this domain can help to improve data quality to effectively meet regulatory demands and adapt to changing market opportunities.

London Market Offerings

The London Market is undergoing significant change due to the opportunities created by new technologies. Our expertise in this domain combined with Guidewire technology will enable insurers to lower costs and increase operational efficiency, while improving customer experience and satisfaction. Our team has experience in ensuring that delivery risk is minimised and execution managed effectively, with a number of off the shelf solutions and repeatable processes available that can be used to optimise delivery timelines and maximise value.

We have also developed our own assets specifically for the London Market which are designed to be deployed alongside Guidewire’s core platforms:

  • Underwriting and Claims workbench
  • Receipt and management of policy transaction and settlement messages
  • Outwards reinsurance two way LORS messaging

Insurtech Collaboration

We keep our ear to the ground on the latest and greatest in the InsurTech market and even have a number of initiatives to support the growth of startups - meaning that we’re able to ensure that innovations that make a real difference to the market have a chance to thrive. As part of this we’re able to give access to our InsurTech partner ecosystem to provide a head start on leveraging new innovations in conjunction with Guidewire Technology.

"The development and swift implementation of product innovations require a solid and scalable structure. The core system implemented with our partners PwC and Guidewire enables FRI:DAY to introduce digital processes right along the value creation chain. With the digital insurance platform, we are therefore not only offering a novel user experience for customers, but also laying the foundation for partnerships."

Dr. Christoph Samwer, FRI:DAY co-founder and CEO

“With the digital revolution business outcomes depend more than ever on the technology choices an Insurer makes. At PwC we are proud to help clients achieve their best outcome leveraging the long-standing partnership with Guidewire”

Alex Bertolotti,UK Insurance Leader and Global IFRS 17 Lead, PwC UK

Globally recognised as an established leader in the Guidewire market

PwC is a Global Premier Guidewire Partner, and a leader in the Cloud space, being the first to attain Guidewire Cloud specialisation. New for 2023, we are amongst the first to be awarded the Migration Acceleration specialisation. The award reflects PwC’s proven Cloud capabilities and the “exemplary skills, knowledge and competency” it has demonstrated on Guidewire Cloud deployments.

For three years running, PwC have been named a Leader and Star Performer in Everest Group's Guidewire Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment, with their analysts noting “Clients have appreciated PwC’s ability to bring in thought leadership, domain perspectives, and strong change management skills into its engagements to assist clients in driving their vision with Guidewire at the core.”

PwC holds six prestigious Guidewire specialisations, all of which underscore PwC's exceptional expertise and commitment to delivering top-tier solutions for insurers across the world:

PwC holds badges as a system integrator in:

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Contact us

Michael Cook

Michael Cook

Partner, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7711 562567

Glynn Austen-Brown

Glynn Austen-Brown

Partner, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7383 013933

Pete Larson

Pete Larson

Partner, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7810 377038

Victoria Mills

Victoria Mills

Senior Manager, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7904 395734
