What is Perform Plus - Transcript

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At Perform Plus, we believe that amazing business starts with amazing teams.

We know that great people performance has always been about the fundamental elements - working together, working smart, and learning everyday.

We wanted to build a new kind of workplace tool that wouldn't just enable those behaviours - it would grow them.

As the way we work is rapidly transforming and hybrid working is here to stay we are redefining how teams come together and do great things.

Built around our award-winning coaching methodology, Perform Plus builds connected communities with a common purpose, who work around aligned goals and promote well being.

Our digital huddle boards drive meaningful conversations and give teammates a place to connect, share progress, celebrate successes and tackle problems together, from anywhere in the world.

The huddle nurtures a community where all team members can outline their daily focus, share workload and manage team capacity.

Peer-to-Peer shout outs build a support network within teams and appointing owners and due dates to actions, problems and opportunities drives accountability, helping teams to continue to improve and get better every day!

Breaking down the Business As Usual in this way helps to remove blockers and frees up the team.

The Performance dashboard, tailored for each level of the company, puts day-to-day numbers to work, illuminating trends and allowing the team to uncover the drivers behind the outcomes. It’s how data becomes actionable insight that helps make better business decisions.

And the Perform Plus moodboard instigates conversations to improve team cohesion and up the happiness levels!

Pre Huddle is the Perform Plus way to get everyone ready for their daily huddle. Take a moment to reflect on yesterday's goals and what you wanted to achieve, then plan for your current day and share the big wins or blockers. Check in with yourself, and whatever the feeling, let your team know and pair up your mood with a daily GIF.

The gamified personal dashboard, such as the top performer and goal strikes, helps keep the team motivations aligned to company priorities.

Perform Plus inspires development. Skills help employees visualise their improvement journey by creating new levels for them to aspire to.
Perform Plus helps teams to double down on new avenues to up social connectivity and spotlight challenges add an exciting and competitive dynamic to team interactions and positively encourage good behaviours.
Perform Plus helps leaders to become better leaders. It inspires positive change, building new work habits and making people better at their jobs.

Amplifying the employee experience where team members feel more empowered, connected, and valued.

And all this results in a profound impact on not only productivity but also quality, digital capabilities and worker happiness!

Real tangible results, in weeks - not years or months.

Find out yourself how Perform Plus can help your business address how work gets done and move to a new set of working practices that are here to stay.

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