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The Netherlands, Iceland and Switzerland top our latest iteration of this year's Youth Employment Index. Focusing on the UK, we ranked 22nd out of the 38 OECD economies we looked at. In particular, the UK ranks higher on youth employment. However, quite a lot of that is driven by part time youth employment, which tends to be less secure.
Regionally in the UK, there are huge disparities. In the South West, around 7% of young people are not in education, employment or training (NEET). However, in the North East, around 17% of young people are NEET. But why does this really matter?
If the other regions of the UK reached the level of the South West, it could boost the UK GDP by around 1%.
Not only this, but with the right training and pathways, young people can join the green jobs market, an area the government expects 2 million jobs will be created by 2030.
Similarities in the top performing countries demonstrate vocational training systems being the key to their success.
Take a look at our report and the breakdown of the data on our website.