Enterprise resilience

From the pandemic to human conflict to extreme weather events, disruption is the new norm across multiple industries, governments and geographies. This disruption brings uncertainty and risk. Enterprise resilience - the ability to adapt, survive and thrive in a disruptive environment - can help your organisation adapt and maintain a competitive edge.

What is Enterprise resilience?

Enterprise resilience requires your business to evolve continuously, protected from shocks, while at the same time being able to adapt, create value and maintain a competitive edge. However, tension can exist between being resilient versus being agile. Balancing these two competing demands can be challenging.

The core components of enterprise resilience are:

  • Strategic resilience: the ability to evolve and build agility into the organisation
  • Operational resilience: the ability to maintain critical operations during disruption
  • Financial resilience: the ability to maintain capital and cash flow during disruption

"Resilience is the corporate immune system - with the right combination of human insight, data, technology and analytics, opportunities are better understood and decisions taken confidently. Get this right, and you can gain competitive advantage to weather disruption, move faster, enhance your reputation and build trust.”

Bobbie Ramsden-Knowles,Partner, Crisis and Resilience
Navigate uncertainty with confidence

Apply enterprise resilience to make a difference

Build resilience to create value

We can help you build maturity in terms of enterprise resilience, bolstering your ability to protect reputation and critical services, and continue to deliver in the face of significant disruption. Build capability not only to reduce the cost of disruption but to better enable you to harness opportunities for differential growth and advantage that result from being able to absorb disruptive events - and thrive.

Protect value through resilience

The costs of crises and disruptive events are often considerable and can be exacerbated if poorly managed. Strong resilience can mitigate those costs and create greater responsiveness allowing you to recover and return to business as usual faster. We can work closely with you to develop your enterprise resilience capability through preparedness and training with the aim of protecting your business from loss.

Services we offer to help you build resilience

Enterprise risk management

  • Risk framework
  • Risk appetite
  • Controls framework
  • Horizon scanning and risk sensing
  • Reputation risk and issues management  

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Operational resilience

  • Operational resilience maturity assessment
  • Operational resilience strategy, target operating model and implementation
  • Critical business service identification and mapping
  • Resilience technology enablement
  • Building and implementing resilience capabilities: business continuity management, physical security, cyber, technical and data resilience, climate and supply chain resilience
  • Resilience-as-a-Service

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Crisis management

  • High impact event scenario planning and strategy development
  • Crisis, issues and incident management preparedness
  • Crisis management target operating model and implementation
  • Crisis training, testing and exercising
  • Crisis Leadership Centre
  • Functional crisis preparedness
  • Reputation management and crisis communication
  • Crisis and issues response (including retainer)

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Contact us

Bobbie Ramsden-Knowles

Bobbie Ramsden-Knowles

Risk and Resilience Partner, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7483 422701

James Houston

James Houston

Risk and Resilience Partner, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7876 207850

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