Transcript: Emma Cox - Net Zero Economy Index 2023

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What do our Net Zero Economy Index 2023 results mean for you?


PwC’s Net Zero Economy Index tracks progress on the global rate of decarbonisation. Despite significant commitments to accelerating action on the Paris agreement, our 2023 results show that globally we achieved a decarbonisation rate of just 2.5% last year.

This means the world now needs to decarbonise at a rate of 17.2% year on year, from now until 2050 to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

That’s a staggering seven times greater each year than at present.

There is positive news though, with renewable energy generation increasing dramatically in 2022 - a trend we need to continue to accelerate.

With these results in mind, our message to business is to explore our index data and see what it means for your organisation and the countries where you operate. We encourage you to use the analysis in your boardroom conversations, and with suppliers, to drive faster, deeper action.

Given the urgency of the challenge we all face, it is more important than ever that we collaborate at scale if we are to deliver on a 1.5°C future.

PwC’s Net Zero Economy Index tracks progress on the global rate of decarbonisation.

Our 2023 results show that the world needs to deliver a decarbonisation rate of 17.2% year on year, from now until 2050 to limit global warming to 1.5°C, compared to the 2.5% achieved in 2022.

While the results are stark, there is positive news, with renewable energy generation increasing dramatically in 2022.

In short, it is more important than ever that we collaborate at scale if we are to deliver on a 1.5°C future.

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