Transcript - Global Compliance services

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In today’s business environment, change is the only constant. As our lives get busier and harder to predict, we’ve discovered new ways to connect and stay on top of work with accuracy, speed and efficiency.

PwC’s compliance approach is built to withstand change, with its globally consistent process that provides clients with peace of mind.

Our Engagement Center keeps your virtual meetings on track. Your team can work together, even at different times of the day, even at opposite ends of the globe. When a tax return is completed in London, you’ll wake up to it ready for review in Shanghai, or frankly — anywhere.

Engagement Center also provides insights through analytics to help you plan for the future. With ease, you can pull up a key figures report in a dashboard for a particular country or division — all on your tablet from anywhere.

Underlying our technology is a commitment to helping you build data to facilitate high-quality work products. They simplify and automate data acquisition, assessing and dispersing the data quickly and reliably. Keeping you on task with all of your compliance needs.

Tax compliance with PwC is integrated and modular, fitting to your existing needs and technology and ready to be scaled without disruption, wherever you do business. This powerful tax and analytics technology is at your fingertips in a single, user-friendly platform.

Change may be inevitable but PwC’s agile technology gives you comfort over your compliance today, tomorrow and the future.

Contact us

Jonathan Howe

Jonathan Howe

EMEA Connected Compliance Leader, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7970 474343
