Building trust in the climate transition

To tackle climate change, the world must bring greenhouse gas emissions to zero. This requires not only innovation and new technologies – it requires trust. Business, investors, consumers and voters all need to have confidence in the transition in order to sustain the pace and scale of the transformation needed.  
At PwC, our ambition is to build trust in the climate transition.

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Success depends on building trust

Everyone needs to have confidence in the transition.

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The foundations of climate transition

Building the credibility of climate reporting

Businesses have an important role to play in reducing emissions, and growing numbers have made commitments to reach net zero. Having trust in what companies report about climate change matters – for investors and for anyone interested in how the economy is moving towards net zero.

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Enabling the business transformation needed

Achieving net zero emissions is one of the defining challenges for business this century. It will require transforming operations and business models, across the whole of the economy, at a faster pace than any transition the world has done before. So, it matters that businesses have confidence in how to approach the challenge – and that it is achievable.

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Supporting a fair transition

The transition to net zero will involve change and disruption. To sustain the effort over the coming decades, broad public support will be required. Voters and consumers will need to see where they fit in and trust that the transition will be fair.

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Ensuring our own business is ready for the transformation

We are committed to playing the fullest role in helping to deliver net zero. We’ve sought and received validation for our science-based targets, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% in absolute terms from 2019 levels by 2030 in line with a 1.5 degree scenario. 

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Contact us

Emma Thorogood

Emma Thorogood

Partner, Head of Purpose, Community and Corporate Affairs, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44(0)7990 563 100

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