Every year, the world produces about 51bn tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. Scientists tell us that to tackle climate change, we need to get that number to zero.
The scale and pace of the transformation needed will reshape the whole economy.
Not only will this require innovation and new technologies, it will require trust. Business, investors, consumers and voters all need to have confidence in the transition if the world is to sustain the commitment to reduce emissions over decades.
At PwC, our ambition is to help build trust in the climate transition. And we see three areas we can make the most impact:
On climate reporting; ensuring what companies disclose is accurate and can be trusted.
On transformation; helping businesses make their commitments to reduce emissions a reality.
On a fair transition; advocating for the transition to be a source of opportunity and jobs, not a risk that some are left behind.
As a firm, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. Climate change is the most important long-term challenge the world faces. So, we want to help build trust in the climate transition and accelerate the race to zero emissions.
Helping organisations create value by defining and meeting robust ESG goals, delivering net zero transformation and complying with sustainability reporting...
We help organisations to look at the bigger picture, by striking a balance between staying competitive, driving innovation and preserving our environment.
EconomicsĀ is the science of business. It helps organisations and individuals to make better decisions, grounded in simple, robust and compelling evidence.
Emma Thorogood
Partner, Head of Purpose, Community and Corporate Affairs, PwC United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)7990 563100
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