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Thalia Hessey, Head of Firm and Personal Independence


Hello and thank you for taking the time to visit this site to find out more about personal independence at PwC. If you are an immediate family member of someone here at PwC, we need your help!

Because PwC provides audit services, we have to follow certain independence rules set by our regulators and some of these rules impact you too.

But what do we mean by immediate family member? What rules impact you? And how can you help your PwC person comply with these rules? These are all good questions that you may have and are the reason we have created this site to help you.

There’s lots of information on here, including hints and tips on how to find out which investments are allowed and which ones will cause issues and what information your PwC person needs from you to comply with the rules.

I hope you will find this useful and thank you again for your support.

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