How prepared are you to handle a personal data breach?

The GDPR has introduced new requirements in relation to personal data breach handling. Many organisations now have a statutory duty to report personal data breaches to the regulators and to the people affected by it.

Key actions to overcoming the potential operational, legal, financial and reputational impacts on your business, resulting from a personal data breach, are to adequately prepare for and be able to handle ‘live’ personal data breaches effectively by having the right people on hand to assist you.

The best response to a personal data breach is always a multi-disciplinary one; comprising a network of experts from different disciplines including legal, forensics, cyber security and PR. This is where we can help.

Service areas

Breach Readiness Assessment Tool (BRAT)

We’ve compiled all of our experience, methodology and insights into the Breach Readiness Assessment (BRAT) which gives you a rapid insight into your organisation’s readiness for dealing with a personal data breach – including breach notification, adverse scrutiny and the aftermath. The BRAT quickly enables you to understand your organisation’s strengths and weaknesses and areas for improvement.

Through the delivery of a comprehensive report, we’ll provide findings and recommendations to help you to develop a targeted and prioritised road map for further improvements to your Personal Data Breach Framework, which will include:

  • Domains: Principles (key elements of the data protection law and best practices) and Architecture (practical structures that need to be put in place within the organisation in order to deliver the Principles).
  • The Maturity Matrix and Benchmark which test your organisation’s readiness for dealing with personal data breach.
  • The legal map and applicable international frameworks (including GDPR articles, recitals, ISO 27001 and more).
  • Heat maps of results and contextual overview based on your organisation’s characteristics.

Personal Data Breach Management

Our ‘Personal Data Breach Management Service’ can help you tackle the challenges of the breach notification rules and personal data breach management.

We can help you with all aspects of preventive security, including threat and vulnerability assessments, development of security strategies, and design and delivery of key security functions and mechanisms which you can call upon at the right time for you.

In particular, throughout the breach management service, you’ll be provided with the following:

  • a tailored personal data breach response and breach notification plan;
  • a successful operationalisation of your personal data breach response and breach notification plan;
  • legal advice and support in the most challenging situations; and
  • confidence that all of the critical legal issues have been addressed.
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