Women in Work 2025
The UK has slipped from 17th to 18th place, down from 10th in 2020 - the steepest post-pandemic decline amongst OECD countries - with Iceland, New Zealand and Luxembourg the best performing.
Our Future of Government programme has been running since 2019, using public polling and original research to tackle topics such as public perceptions of fairness in the UK, regional inequality, social mobility, as well as ethnic diversity and inclusion, gender inequality, and declining trust in public sector organisations.
This insight, coupled with our knowledge and expertise, helps us design the innovative, human-led tech-powered solutions that the public sector needs to deliver sustained outcomes and build public trust. With the right structure, culture and tech in place, the public sector can do more than transform. It can be transformative.
Our latest research looks at how reimagining the architecture of government in the UK could drive better delivery of public services. We are engaging with representatives from different parts of government and the public sector, as well as wider policy and think tank organisations, to hear their experiences and views on the key factors that should be considered as they continue to transform for the future.
These factors include: improving the user and citizen engagement experience; establishing a new deal between the central and local agencies of government; fostering a cross-organisational collaboration to tackle critical changes; and addressing capacity and capability.
Be transformative. Rethink the architecture of government.
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From local councils to government departments, we’ve helped some of the UK’s most complex public sector organisations. Whether it’s helping develop and integrate AI solutions at scale to improve citizen experience, increase productivity and create cost efficiencies or supporting end-to-end fund management services, we provide the workforce and the technology our clients trust to deliver their services.
The UK has slipped from 17th to 18th place, down from 10th in 2020 - the steepest post-pandemic decline amongst OECD countries - with Iceland, New Zealand and Luxembourg the best performing.
A PwC report on how the radical reshaping of public and private sector roles would support UK cities respond to economic challenges
UK Employers must drive productivity and critical transformation while protecting against employee change fatigue and burnout
If progress towards gender equality at work continues at its historical rate, an 18-year old woman starting work today will not see pay equality in her working lifetime.
One of the core issues in our latest Future of Government research is the capacity in the public sector workforce to address citizen issues and provide better outcomes. In this article, we explore the key areas of focus to tackle the challenge; from solving problems through issue-led collaboration, to developing more agile career pathways for public sector employees.
Leader of Industry for Government and Health Industries, PwC United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)7841 783022