The PwC Virtual Ideas Exchange is an interactive virtual forum for pension and reward managers, and trustees, to come together to hear about the latest developments in the pensions world and share experiences.
The Virtual Ideas Exchange was born in late 2020, and runs on a quarterly basis. Each session covers a current hot topic and considers how to apply these in a real world scenario.
“It was an excellent session”
“Thanks very much for inviting me to this webinar, I thought it was a fascinating discussion and the presenters were very good. I look forward to joining the next event”
We are delighted to invite you to our next Virtual Ideas Exchange event which will be held on Thursday 16 January from 10:30am - 11:30am. This session will provide insights into the evolving UK pensions landscape under the new Labour Government, an overview of our analysis of the UK’s DB universe and predictions for the next 12 months across the industry.
Katie Lightstone, will be chairing an exciting panel featuring:
This event will give valuable insights into the future of the pensions industry, highlighting key considerations for your schemes.
Our panel discussed pensions data complexities, AI utilisation, and pensions dashboard connection considerations.
Key insights from our panel and audience were:
John Dunn, Katie Lightstone and Dwee Caleechurn from PwC, as well as guest panellist Lynne Rawcliffe from Law Debenture, covered the following topics: the proposed pensions reforms; the new funding regulations; and an update on risk transactions.
Our key closing messages were:
Key insights coming from our audience were:
Our focus for this session was Endgame strategies and employer covenant.
In an era of improved scheme funding and upcoming changes in the pension regulatory landscape, more schemes must now determine their endgame strategy. Ultimately this is a decision to change the covenant: either through moving it to a different party e.g. through a buy-out or superfund, or if changing then considering long term covenant reliance.
How do sponsors and trustees demonstrate which option is in all parties best interests?
Victoria Tillbrook, Lauren Baba, Anthony Rushworth, Chris Cockerill and Jeremy May explored the pros and cons of the spectrum of endgame strategies available and how you can assess and monitor the covenant of your chosen endgame pathway.
Key takeaways from this event include:
Our focus for this session was the opposing directions that pension funds are being pulled towards; one, buoyed by dramatic improvements in funding levels, is towards insurers and the other, encouraged not least by the Government, is towards investment in productive assets, long-term surplus generation, and run off.
Clare was joined by John Dunn, Keira-Marie Ramnath and Matt Cooper to consider the latest data on where the UK’s defined benefit pension schemes are heading. What solutions are available in today’s rapidly developing market? And what methodology is available to support decision makers in weighing up the options and in picking the right road?
Key takeaways from this event include:
Our focus for this session was Risk Transfer, looking back on the pensions buy-in market over the first half of 2023 and discussing the key trends and learnings from what is shaping up to be a record breaking year.
Clare was joined by Matt Cooper and Dwee Caleechurn, Risk Transfer specialists at PwC, as well as Nick Chadha, Chief Operating Officer and Partner at PAN Trustees, who shared his Risk Transfer insights and experiences from a Professional Trustee's perspective.
As highlighted by our panellists during the event:
Our focus for this session was on “the today, the tomorrow and the future” of Defined Contribution schemes. With changes to auto-enrolment and new value for money requirements proposed by the Pensions Regulator, we took a look at the latest developments in the market and how providers are reacting.
Our live ChatGPT demo during the event considered how new technologies such as AI could drive innovation within the DC market, showing the possibilities and also limitations of this technology.
Clare was joined by Roshni Patel, Head of DC Pensions and Benefits at PwC, and Mike, Clare and Jason from her team who shared their insights in this area.
As highlighted by Roshni and our panellists during the event:
In this session, our panellists discussed the 2022 LDI crisis and the bigger picture changes happening in the industry and the world. In particular looking at the challenges and opportunities this presents and what Trustees and Pension Managers should be doing as we move forward.
Our panellists were as follows:
As highlighted by our panellists during the event:
In this session, our panellists discussed the introduction of Pensions Dashboards from next April, in particular looking at the challenges and opportunities this presents, as well as sharing their views on the market and its state of readiness.
Our panellists were as follows:
As highlighted by our panellists during the event:
Watch a recording of this session
Please visit our Pensions Dashboards website.
In this session our panellists discuss long-term funding targets and strategies for defined benefit pension schemes and the results of PwC’s 2022 Funding Survey.
As highlighted by our panellists during the event:
Our panellists:
In this session, our panellists discuss the impact that innovation in the pensions and investment industry is having on how pension schemes progress along their journey plans. In particular, the need to consider:
1. How to get to your end destination; and
2. How to do this in the most cost effective way
Our panellists:
In this session our panelists discuss two topics:
Chris Cockerill and Oliver Reece share their insights into these two areas. Chris is a Director at PwC who advises trustees, lenders and corporates to assess financial strength of employers and develop solutions which work for all stakeholders. Oliver is a Partner who leads PwC's pensions legal practice.
They are joined by a panel of specialists to answer your questions:
In this session, we provide an update to our November 2020 session, covering:
In this session we:
In this session we cover: