Nestor Primecare Services Limited - in liquidation (formerly trading as Allied Healthcare) - ("the Company")

On 14 April 2020, the Company was placed into Creditors' Voluntary Liquidation ("CVL") . Zelf Hussain and David Matthew Hammond were appointed as joint liquidators. Notice of the appointment can be donwloaded by clicking here. It is also available in the 'Documents available to download' section below. 

Tony Barrell and Zelf Hussain were appointed as joint administrators of the above Company on 30 November 2018. Anthony Steven Barrell has since left the firm and has been replaced by David Matthew Hammond.

Trading as Allied Healthcare, it was the largest domiciliary care provider in the UK with an annual turnover of c£180m.  It had c8,500 employees (including c7,500 carers) providing services for approximately 13,000 service users (elderly and infirm patients in their homes). The business comprised three elements – Homecare services (c80% of the business), Primecare (using agency staff providing out of hours GP services) and other smaller divisions including Nursing and First Call.

Immediately following the appointment, the whole of the business and assets was sold to Allied Health-Services Limited and Allied Health Support Limited, which are under the control of Health Care Resourcing Group Limited (more widely known as CRG).  All employees of the Company have transferred to the purchaser.

The purchaser will be continuing to provide the care services that Allied Healthcare previously delivered and will be contacting third parties to arrange the formal transfer of contracts. We set out below short messages to key stakeholder groups. Any queries should be directed your normal contact at Allied Healthcare in the first instance.  The telephone number for enquiries is 0800 542 1078.


Customers and Debtors

All outstanding invoices for care up to and including 30 November 2018, should be paid in the normal manner unless told otherwise. The purchaser will be contacting customers forthwith for the purpose of novating contracts and ensuring continuity of care.


All employees have transferred to the purchaser.  All queries should be directed to your normal contact in the business.


All leasehold properties are now occupied by the purchaser, under a licence to occupy. The purchaser will be contacting landlords to discuss the terms of future occupation. We will be contacting landlords shortly to confirm the arrangements for the ongoing payment of rent.  


We have written to all known creditors to provide formal notice of our appointment and further information on the sale of the business. The information is available to download using the links below.  A statement of claim form is also provided below in order for creditors to lodge their claims against the Company.

For any general enquiries, please email

Your rights as creditors

More information in relation to creditors’ rights can also be found in the guide below: "


Documents available to download:

Click here to view our Frequently Asked Questions for companies in administration


Zelf Hussain and David Matthew Hammond have been appointed as joint liquidators of Nestor Primecare Services Limited. They are licensed in the United Kingdom to act as insolvency practitioners by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

The joint liquidators are bound by the Insolvency Code of Ethics which can be found at:

The joint liquidators may act as controllers of personal data, as defined by UK data protection law, depending upon the specific processing activities undertaken. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP may act as a processor on the instructions of the joint liquidators. Personal data will be kept secure and processed only for matters relating to the joint liquidators’ appointment. Further details are available in the privacy statement on the website or by contacting the joint liquidators



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