Non-financial assurance

Organisations are being judged on more than just financial performance, with stakeholders calling for reporting they can trust in areas such as ESG and controls reporting.

In a complex world that is changing at pace stakeholders are looking to businesses for information they can trust.

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The future of audit

We continue to invest in our people, skills and technology to address the demand for independent, robust assurance over non-financial information on the areas that matter most.

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Building trust in Unilever’s global sustainability reporting

As concerns over the level of corporate ‘greenwashing’ continue to grow, independent assurance can help to build confidence that companies are living up to their commitments. Read about how PwC works to independently assure Unilever's annual sustainability reporting, helping to build trust in the progress they're making.

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More information on how we provide assurance over ESG, regulatory, third party and other non-financial reporting can be found on our Non-financial assurance page.

Non-financial assurance

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Transparency Report

Our Transparency Report provides information on the firm’s systems of quality control over audits.

Audit quality

Quality remains our top priority and we’re committed to delivering consistently high quality audits that meet the needs of investors, the organisations we audit and wider stakeholders.

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Ensuring our teams are made up of the right people with the right skills is crucial to quality.

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Our audit culture is fundamental to high quality and enables our teams to perform rigorous and challenging audits.

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Our human-led, tech-powered approach brings together the deep knowledge of our auditors with powerful technology, tools and capabilities, developed both in-house and by our technology alliance partners.

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Non-financial assurance

Non-financial reporting is becoming increasingly important as organisations are being judged on more than just financial performance, with stakeholders calling for reporting they can trust on areas such as ESG and controls reporting.

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Contact us

Andrew Hammond

Andrew Hammond

Head of Audit, PwC United Kingdom

Sotiris Kroustis

Sotiris Kroustis

Chief Risk and Quality Officer, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7841 490928

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