Early careers



Here are some of the questions we get asked most frequently.

Before applying

Work experience and events

What can I apply for?


Application process

Career processes

Before joining

You’re restricted to one application at a time with student recruitment.

In addition, we’ll only consider one application from you every six months (i.e. you’ll need to allow for six months to pass from the date you completed the first stage online assessment before re-applying).

For these purposes, the definition of an 'application' also includes any roles that you’ve been made an offer for. Therefore if you’ve been offered or you’ve accepted a role, you cannot apply to another vacancy. Please do take the time to check that you're able to make a new application to us now. Our employees act with honesty and integrity so we expect the same from you. If you already work at PwC, please ensure that you have contacted the Student Recruitment team to discuss your application before you proceed. We take any attempts to circumvent this policy very seriously.

We have been made aware of offers of roles at PwC UK being made directly to potential candidates via email. All of our recruitment is managed through our website https://www.pwc.co.uk/careers.html.  Any unsolicited offers of roles that don’t originate from applications via this website will not have been sent by PwC and should be ignored.