
Empower and enable your workforce to be transformative

Create the structure, culture and skills to drive rapid reinvention and sustained success

As your organisation transforms, success relies on your most valuable asset - your people. From managing day-to-day tasks so you can focus on the bigger picture, to solving specific employment related matters or supporting end-to-end workforce transformation, our specialists are here to help. We tap into a unique combination of in-depth industry experience, technology capabilities and alliances to help you run, solve and transform.

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Discover how we help our clients run, solve and transform their workforce

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How we can help you


Alongside the need for transformation, your HR function has to support your workforce today. Areas like pay and reward, pensions, and HR governance need constant attention. Because of this, it’s easy for HR leaders to get sidetracked – rather than being the strategic, future-focused business partner an organisation needs. This is where we can help. Whatever your technical HR issue, we can take it away, giving you the time to focus on the bigger picture.

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Successful transformation requires a multidisciplinary set of problem solvers. Our technical expertise is at the heart of our approach to solving complex workforce challenges. Our team of accountants, actuaries, lawyers, tax, communications and HR qualified professionals, work together to solve complex issues across your HR function and beyond.

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What does the workforce look like in ten years? What skills will your business require? How will technology change what you do today? We can help your HR strategy plug into your business strategy, so you can build a transformative workforce that can thrive in any future. From HR transformation and leadership upskilling to adopting a skill-based approach or becoming more sustainable, we’re ready to help.

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Forces at work

In our new bitesize conversation series, Laura Hinton, Head of Tax, Legal and Workforce at PwC UK, sat down with different guests over the course of 5 weeks to discuss today’s key workforce questions.

Catch up on each of our 15-minute episodes.

Explore our series

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Contact us

Sarah Moore

Sarah Moore

Head of Workforce, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7734 607421

Alastair Woods

Alastair Woods

Workforce Markets and Services Leader, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7834 250359

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